Today: Feb 11, 2025

Editor’s Note: Royal wedlock

    By JEFF NOWAK — Editor-in-Chief

      The world comes to a complete standstill and watches in awe. No, a bomb has not gone off and all of the world’s presidents seem to be alive and well. The event that has the attention of the world is a jovial one for once: a wedding.

     Prince William is set to marry Kate Middleton Friday. The aptly named ‘Royal Wedding’ is scheduled for April 29 at Westminster abbey, and anyone watching a morning newscast in the last few months would have found it virtually impossible to have escaped the informational tidal wave accosting the viewers.

This event has inspired fans all throughout the world.

     Whether the news is William’s plan as to how he will sport his wedding ring, to the color of the napkins at the reception, every knick and knack has become possible primetime news. Numerous websites have been created in honor of the event. The top site from a simple Google search is www. On this site you can watch videos and interviews from the Archbishop of Canterbury, you can read about the service and procession, even comment with your most relevant thoughts about the event.

     While this may seem mindless, trivial and largely inconsequential in the end, it is nice to see the universe revolving around something that is not negative for a change.

     Last week’s editor’s note in SNews I focused on everything that is wrong in the world. From the word moist, to the fact that gasoline is so expensive I have a minor mental breakdown every time I fill up my tank, there are always things to complain about. Perhaps that may even be the fundamental reason why this particular event has become such an international phenomenon. Why people seem to have projected real life fairy tale status onto William and Kate’s famous little heads.

     Although people are drawn to the negative in life because it is easy, human nature is not such. The good in life is hard to find, but most people would admit that it’s worth it when it is found.

     This type of attention for an event that really holds no consequence for the world at large may seem ridiculous to some, and everyone is entitled to their opinions. Feats like love and marriage should be celebrated, not ridiculed. It may seem extreme for some to wake up at 4 a.m. simply to watch a service, but if that is what it takes for you to get through the day, then so be it. Everyone has their mechanisms and no one is in a place to judge.

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