Today: Feb 17, 2025

Fun ideas for a snowy day

I can’t take another snowstorm. I’m fed up with the cold weather. I know I’m not alone. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, we won’t see warm temperatures for another few months. Throw a low college student income into the mix, and many of us are faced with very few entertainment options.
Here are a few new and classic inexpensive ideas to beat the cold weather blues:
Make it a (themed) movie night
-Whether it’s a Disney, horror, or a Johnny Depp type of night, rent movies you know and love. You wouldn’t want to waste time and money on a blunder.
Dine in
-Gather up a group of friends and decide on a menu. Everyone should cook a different course depending on his or her culinary strengths. Try to use ingredients you already have and buy only the essentials. Set the table and the restaurant mood for less.
Give back
-Soup kitchens, animal shelters, and hospitals need help all year ‘round, and that’s just naming a few. The volunteer opportunities are just a few clicks away on an online search engine.
Place friendly wagers
-I don’t encourage gambling but everyone loves to win something. Take your favorite group games, and set rewards for winners. Prizes don’t need to be monetary. Winners can be allowed a week without having to clean or having to be the designated driver for over-21 outings.

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