Today: Jan 22, 2025

Students to produce university lip dub video


Carisa McLaughlin

Arts & Entertainment Editor

Southern is coming together this weekend to perform in a university lip dub. It’s a fad that started in Europe and is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, according to Steve Domini, a senior communications major.

Domini and Nick Corsano said they’ve been working closely with interim President Stanley F. Battle and Ron Herron on this project. Domini said both Battle and Herron are very excited about the video.

The idea, according to Domini, is to make a music video to the song “Waving Flag” all in one take, running from the bridge connecting the residential side of campus to the academic side through the Student Center, Earl Hall and ending at the Lyman Center.

Domini said there are over 300 students involved, including Frank LaDore’s inquiry class, Programs Council, SCSU TV, some community coordinators and advisors, as well as the university’s deans.

“We want to give something back,” said Domini. “We all came together and we did this together.”

Corsano said they chose the song “Wavin’ Flag” because they liked the message that the song sends. He said the other universities who produced lip dub videos had no meaning behind them.

“They don’t have a message, no theme, no story – you’re just shooting song – it doesn’t mean anything,” Corsano said. “And we looked at that and said ‘That’s wrong.’”

Domini and Corsano said producing this lip dub video will give SCSU a better reputation and will give it a name other than “a school for teaching and nursing.”

“I really love that you can do anything you want here,” Corsano said, “you really can. The way Southern empowers its students is awesome.”

The lip dub video will be filmed on Dec. 4 and 5 beginning at 10 a.m.

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