Today: Apr 23, 2024

Student explores realism through art

Jeff LamsonSpecial to the Southern News

Scott McCall is a sophomore psychology major with a history of sketching and drawing. He said
that family and friends are disappointed he’s not doing more with art, like a full major. But he is
considering having art as a minor and said that art has some links with psychology in terms of
emotions. McCall’s includes Norman Rockwell as one of his influences, but says that he does
not see himself having a career in art. He said that he just does not work fast enough. But this
doesn’t rule out any future with art. McCall said that he might want to be a courtroom sketch
artist on the side, having practiced with passerby and friends alike. He said that drawing has
become like second nature to him and that even in retirement he expects it will remain a
prominent hobby.

Sophomore Scott McCall displaying his artwork in Earl Hall.

“I try to go for realism and just trying to make everything look as real as possible, and just
getting all the details in that I can. I’m obsessed with detail when it comes to that stuff.”

“I draw what I see. If I see something, then I can’t, I don’t just arbitrarily leave it out. And
everything piles up on top of each other, everything kinda combines to form what you
ultimately see. So, in the process you have to get every little building block there. Otherwise, it
just doesn’t look the same; looks more stylized and that’s not necessarily what I’m trying to go

Photo Credit: Jeff Lamson

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